Top 5 reason why you NEED a BGP retreat in your life!

My pole journey began seven years ago and I have loved the confidence and strength I have gained over the years from it.   When Black Girls Pole came on the scene 5 years ago, it was the void that needed to be filled in the pole community and I knew I had to be a part of it! I attended the first ever BGP Miami Retreat in 2016 and have been to a retreat ever year since!  When asked why the BGP Retreats are so important and why I will always chose to spend a week with my melanated sisters, here is why! 

1. Vacation! 

We all need a break at some point or another, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the right date, group, and location- I’m sure we’ve all experienced at least one failed group trip. The only real decision will be choosing which of the amazing locations to attend. Although we spend a good amount of time training, there is still enough time for sightseeing, group activities, turn ups, and boat driving. 

2. All. The. Pole. Things. 

For most of us, our pole time is fairly limited around work schedules, school, family, and life just life-ing. Man of us are instructors and don’t spend enough time training and just enjoying pole for ourselves (guilty). This is YOUR time! You get to train, practice, improve, grow, and unlock achievements with some of the greatest instructors, and most amazing BGP Sisters. The variety in classes is always great, and the instructors’ abilities to modify according to any varying levels provides inclusion for everyone. Even after arriving home, that feeling of improvement always inspires new motivation and readiness to continue in your growth.

3. Accountability Partners 

So…. Sometimes you get home from the retreat and you’re totally motivated- fired up and ready to go! But then sometimes nah. It was great to feel capable and encouraged again, but you still don’t quite have that motivation, away from the retreat? That’s what your BGP Sisters are here for! You might meet someone with similar “pole goals” or maybe just someone that keeps you encouraged and pushes you to new levels- those make the best accountability partners! I love seeing posts from ladies I’ve attended retreats with in the past because you always see so much encouragement from other retreat-mates. The support and accountability are real, and it’s amazing.

4. Black Girl Magic 

There’s something so special about a group of black women, coming together, encouraging one another, and just enjoying themselves. Aside from sore and achy muscles after day one, you really just live your best and most carefree life, with the dopest squad ever and that’s pretty soul refreshing. I’ve met some of the kindest, realest, most resilient, most brilliant, and most loving women at BGP Retreats.

5. Self-Care. 

Yes, you do get self-care from a pole retreat. At the end of the retreat, we take some time for self-reflection. Every time, I have a more established feeling of peace than I did before the retreat began. No, we aren’t holding hands and singing Kumbaya or anything like that, but the retreat has always felt therapeutic for me. In going back to #4, I think everyone’s Black Girl Magic has an uplifting and long-lasting effect of positivity. The chants of “yaaaasssss sis!” and the numerous other exclamations of encouragement, coupled with stating positive affirmations feeds your soul the positivity it deserves. And if you’ve been on a retreat with me, you know I consider self-care to also come in the form of a turn up (see: boat driving).

I could list so many more reasons why I think you should attend a BGP Retreat, but if I were to sum up my experiences with BGP Retreats in just one word, it would be: priceless. The empowerment, the growth, the friendships- each BGP Retreat has provided much more than the trip cost could ave. I know how cliché that sounds, but I mean it from my heart. Hope to see YOU at a retreat soon!

All my BGP love,

Micaela Simone

Client Liaison/Pole Instructor/ BGP’er for Life

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