8 Tips To Stay Motivated Poling At Home!

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“Where you are a year from now is a reflection of the choices you choose to make right now.”

This has literally been my mantra to get me going in all areas of life but especially for pole during the pandemic. Pre-COVID, after using 2019 to rest and heal, I deemed 2020 my return back to the stage: a year full of pole goal smashing. I started the pole year off at the BGP Cayman Islands retreat in March; it was worth every last minute penny I paid to solidify my commitment to 2020. It was everything and I mean EVERYTHING! The week we returned home, COVID shut down began and as reopening was delayed I literally felt the pole momentum get knocked out of me. So what did I do? You guessed it!! I had a whole adult tantrum filled with cursing, eye rolls, online shopping and there was definitely wine involved (lol). I was very disappointed and resistant to adapting to the new normal of doing everything at home. One day, I just decided to explore the adventures quarantine pole life had to offer and as I look back over the past few months here are tips I used to stay motivated and keep moving at home.


I am an organized procrastinator (yes that’s a thing!). I live by my calendar because it helps bring balance to the procrastination. I was very careful not to overload my schedule with a million classes even though I felt like a kid in the candy store with so many options. I started taking 2-3 different virtual classes a week. The goal here was to get moving and build consistency; not become overwhelmed. Now, there were some weeks I cut training time in half but I committed to doing something to keep a groove.


I love how quarantine opened up the possibility to take a variety of classes from so many dope artists worldwide. I used a pole quarantine schedule online that made creating my weekly schedule easier as well as lurking on my favorites pages to see when they would be offering classes. I’ve even taken non pole classes because it’s all transferable skills. I know this pandemic has shifted financial standings; however, I believe in supporting the artist ($) one dollar goes a long way.


I took time to look through my saved videos/photos on IG and in my phone. I created sub folders and started working through some material. I used screen record to slow it down and I searched hashtags for variations more aligned with my strength and flexibility.


I am always entertained with the dance challenges that have circulated social media. I believe every challenge deserves a pole version! Just check out my IG: misschromediva. When the song moves me, I create my own with a pole twist. I have also challenged myself to review and redo old choreography videos.


I have lost track of the playlists I’ve created during quarantine. I enjoy allowing music to guide me. I encourage everyone to create multiple playlists, even with genres you don’t typically download. I believe we should record as much as possible and move more than we post. I like taking the “posting pressure” out of my focus to relax and move authentically.


When I’ve designated a recording time for Instagram content, I pretend it’s show day! For me, dressing up creates the energy and sets the tone and I don’t like wasting my time or a look. I have come to terms with not having a professional photographer available as soon as an idea pops in my mind and therefore, I’ve started to use this time to find my own angles or voluntelling friends to capture new shapes from saved posts. Also, it’s been a blast taking my stage pole in the city to use the beauty of nature and artwork as my backdrop.


I really enjoy taking and teaching private lessons, hashtag XPERT PROUD! I believe privates allow you to invest in yourself and others at a level drop in classes cannot offer. I’ve taken at least a dozen private lessons since mid April to keep me in the training spirit. Teaching others keeps me grounded, focused, and inspired. I’ve missed teaching and creating for others so much that I would volunteer to teach mini virtual group privates for my line sisters and social distance at parks for mini free lessons.


When I feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or unmotivated regardless of the circumstances I reflect on why I started this journey. Pole is self care in motion for me; something I enjoy as a personal adventure not a burden. It allows me to creatively embrace change and pivot when necessary. While 2020 may have knocked the pole wind out of us in some capacity, always remember: how you respond to what’s happening is within your control. You don’t have to have it all together. Just start.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” — Arthur Ashe


BGP’er, Pole Dancing Diva