Self Preservation Tips Black Women Should Be Practicing

There are only 4 months left in this year, friends. And if you haven’t done so already, 2022 is the year we make ourselves a priority. With so much happening in our daily lives, it’s so important to make time for ourselves. Especially as Black Women. However, somehow we always find a way to be of service to others (children, partners, families, friends, etc.). But what I want to know is, what are you doing for you?? Seriously?! What are you doing?

If you need a little inspiration, you’re in the right place. Check out my top tips below.

Self Preservation Tips Black Women Should Be Practicing

1. Make a list of the things you are grateful for 

Practicing gratitude goes a long way. Taking time to focus each day on a few things you are grateful for will help you feel happier,  centered and have more self confidence.  You do not have to overthink it. Gratitude can look as simple as waking up every morning  before you reach for you phone and say “ I am grateful for…” name people in your life, upcoming and past events and just waking up is enough! 

2. Dedicate one day a week to YOU 

Day in and Day out we pour into others. Find one day a week to pour back into yourself. Pick a day to be with yourself. No obligations, no work, no emails. Take yourself to the movies or out for a drink or hell even cleaning out your closet. Just be sure to set aside time to make yourself be the #1 priority that day. 

3. Get Rid of the negative 

And we aren't just talking about negative people.  Something as small as scrolling IG before bed can foster negative thoughts. All it takes is seeing one wrong post and you are spiraling down the path of negativity. If it makes you feel like crap. CUT it out of your life.  

4. Say No!

We have all done it. Made plans with someone or committed to something and while we said yes in the moment,  we knew good and well that we didn’t really want to go in the first place. Sis, just say NO! Put yourself and needs first and just start saying no to the things you really don't want to do. Preserving your sanity is priority and sometimes you need to just sit at home and do nothing. If you need extra encouragement check out this podcast episode of the Fit Files Its Okay to say NO. 

5. Find moments of Joy Daily.  

Whether it be working out, doing your skin care routine, catching a little power nap (because sleep is a joyous affair), each day find something that truly brings you joy.   

Self Preservation is a behavior that ensures survival. Protecting yourself and your peace is a basic instinct and should not be taken lightly! In case no one told you today, You are worthy of a deserve Self preservation!



Dalijah Franklin is a Mother, Dancer, Lifestyle Blogger, Entrepreneur, and Obsessive Life Giver. She is also the founder of Black Girls Pole, an organization to striving to diversify the pole world by inspiring, empowering, and educating women of color about pole dancing. Check out Black Girls Pole’s website and Instagram here. Stay up to date with Dalijah here.

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