How To Get Better Summer Sleep Tonight!

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Life can be so hectic and often doesn't slow down for anyone - least of all in the summertime. But even though our to-do lists are a mile long, we still need to make time for rest and relaxation. That's why today, I'm sharing my top tips for how to get better summer sleep tonight. By following these simple tips, you'll wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to face the day tomorrow.

So let's get started!

Increase your H2O During the Day


We know how important water is especially during the summer months. Drinking enough water helps you in every single aspect of your life – literally!  Being sufficiently hydrated is key to having focus to get good sleep. When you’re dehydrated, headaches or muscle cramps can make falling asleep that much harder.

The general rule of thumb to stay hydrated is to drink half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you’re 140 lbs, then you want to drink at least 70 oz of water every day.  I start off my morning with 20 oz of water before having coffee, tea, or any food.  Then I have my alarm set to go off every 75 minutes to remind me to drink 8oz of water between 11am and 7pm. After that, I am done because nothing is worse than waking up a million times use the bathroom. Usually, you want to stop drinking water about 3 hours before bedtime.  I love using my BGP 16 oz Bottle!

Consistent Bedtime Routine and Bed Time!

My son isn't the only one with a bedtime. I actually set a bedtime for myself (11pm) and have been sticking with it! I am so proud of this boundary I set up for myself.  It's all about the set up to get to the sheets that matter. First off, no screen time an hour before bed. My ten step skin care routine…yes 10…is my self care pampering time to unwind and prepare for my next day.  I realized I operate best off of 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep a night.


When I have drank enough water throughout the day, completed my to do list, and did my skin care routine, I tend to wake up feeling more refreshed with no brain fog. I like to wake up at 6am (no alarm, just used to waking up at this time…plus having a kid) before the rest of the house gets up. I drink my water, walk the dog, go workout, shower and have my first cup of coffee before the rest of the house is up! It is my time to myself and it helps set the intention for the day! 

Comfy PJ’s and Sheets

You know how they say, dress the part? Well, That goes for bedtime too! I used to be the queen of sweats and an old t-shirt to go to bed but I started investing in real, actual cute pajamas and I promise my sleep benefited!  This Silky Satin Set has been a gem! So much so that I got it in 3 colors! Not to mention how sexy they are so I am sure ya boo won’t mind either!  Along with pajamas, having the right sheets can make or break your zzz’s. Cooling Bamboo sheets are breathable and cool for even the warmest sleeper. The Bamboo is soft and naturally cooling.


Okay so are their days this doesn't happen? Duh, of course. Some nights the baby wakes up at 3am crying. Some days I want to sleep in til 8am. Some nights we stay up having Old Fashions and watching movies! 90% of the time though, I stick to my schedule. I must say, it has paid off! 


Written by:

Dalijah Franklin

Dalijah Franklin is a Mother, Dancer, Lifestyle Blogger, Entrepreneur, and Obsessive Life Giver. She is also the founder of Black Girls Pole, an organization to striving to diversify the pole world by inspiring, empowering, and educating women of color about pole dancing. Check out Black Girls Pole’s website and Instagram here. Stay up to date with Dalijah here.